Highway Plan Phase Info
Phase Funding FY Amount
Right of way SPP 2025 $1,000,000.00
Utility Relocation SPP 2025 $1,000,000.00
Construction SPP 2026 $7,500,000.00
Current Phase Info
Phase Funding Estimated Cost Scheduled FY Phase Funding Status
Authorized Date Authorized Amount
D STP $0.00 2024 AUTHORIZED 8/31/2022 $750,000.00
R SPP $1,000,000.00 2026 ESTIMATED $0.00
U SPP $1,000,000.00 2026 ESTIMATED $0.00
C SPP $7,500,000.00 2027 ESTIMATED $0.00
Project Budget Info
Phase Authorization Number Program Code Project Budget Budget
(e-MARS) Project Expenditures
(e-MARS) Encumbered Amount Remaining (e-MARS)
Unobligated Amount
D 15634 1563401D $750,000.00 $0.00 $180,627.71 $271,397.00 $299,899.29
R/W Clearance:
Utility Clearance:

Some critical dates have not been assigned. (Letting Date not Established)

Project Description: Construct a two-lane roundabout at the intersection of KY 101 and the I-65 southbound entrance and exit ramps in Smiths Grove. Widen the existing I-65 southbound exit ramp to two lanes and extend the beginning point if the ramp approximately five-hundred
Route 1 Warren County KY-101 from MP 7.55 to MP 8.2
Route 2 County - from MP to MP
Item #: 3-80214.00
Road Engineer:
Bridge Engineer:
Bridge Structure Number: 114B00092N
Select the Structure Number for The NBI Kentucky Inventory and Appraisal Report
Bridge Suff. Rate: 94.9
NBI Rating: Not Deficient
Posting: NO
Project Manager: KYTC\ANDREW.STEWART       Item #: 3-80214.00
Project Description: Construct a two-lane roundabout at the intersection of KY 101 and the I-65 southbound entrance and exit ramps in Smiths Grove. Widen the existing I-65 southbound exit ramp to two lanes and extend the beginning point if the ramp approximately five-hundred

This Project has no Milesones defined.
Project Manager: KYTC\ANDREW.STEWART       Item #: 3-80214.00
Project Description: Construct a two-lane roundabout at the intersection of KY 101 and the I-65 southbound entrance and exit ramps in Smiths Grove. Widen the existing I-65 southbound exit ramp to two lanes and extend the beginning point if the ramp approximately five-hundred
Authoritative Source for Environmental Data:  EATS
Environmental Status
Requestor Request Type Request Date Assigned Name Assigned Date Scheduled Completion Date
Actual Completion Date Expiration Date
CE LVL 1 5/29/2024 Stantec Consulting Services, Inc.

No 401 – WQC Permit Data Available

No 402 – KPDES Permit Data Available

No 404 – USACE Permit Data Available

No Intergovernmental Review Permit Data Available

No LOP Permit Data Available

No Tennessee Valley Authority Permit Data Available
Project Manager: KYTC\ANDREW.STEWART       Item #: 3-80214.00
Project Description: Construct a two-lane roundabout at the intersection of KY 101 and the I-65 southbound entrance and exit ramps in Smiths Grove. Widen the existing I-65 southbound exit ramp to two lanes and extend the beginning point if the ramp approximately five-hundred
Authoritative Source for R/W Data: KROWDS
View Communicating All Promises (CAP) Report for Item# 3-80214.00
This Project has no Right Of Way Data available from RWMS.
This Project has no Right Of Way Data available from KROWDS.
Project Manager: KYTC\ANDREW.STEWART       Item #: 3-80214.00
Project Description: Construct a two-lane roundabout at the intersection of KY 101 and the I-65 southbound entrance and exit ramps in Smiths Grove. Widen the existing I-65 southbound exit ramp to two lanes and extend the beginning point if the ramp approximately five-hundred
Authoritative Source for Utilities and Rail Tracking Data: KURTS
This Project has no Utilities Data available.
Project Manager: KYTC\ANDREW.STEWART       Item #: 3-80214.00
Project Description: Construct a two-lane roundabout at the intersection of KY 101 and the I-65 southbound entrance and exit ramps in Smiths Grove. Widen the existing I-65 southbound exit ramp to two lanes and extend the beginning point if the ramp approximately five-hundred
This Project has no Vendors Assigned.